art by benjamin harubin. text and art copyright benjamin harubin. posted in no particular order, from 1976 to the present. i have the capability to print the strictly digital works up to 40" with archival materials. some restrictions may apply.
contact email is bharubin provided by gmail with a com thrown in there for good measure. and a @, too.

click on pics to giganticize. dimensions are listed in order: horizontal, vertical, depth.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

making the invisible visible- EG- as predator seeks to penetrate camouflage- necessitates that PATTERN RECOGNITIONS be amped up. AT Some point in the cycle, a Plethora of Possibilities is a PLUS. ARE MATHEMATICAL LAWS PULLED LITERALLY OUT OF THE ASS OF THE UNIVERSE? A BRAGILLION FUNGI AGREE. The Agent Was Disguised AS Art School Trash- not!

making the invisible visible- EG- as predator seeks to penetrate camouflage- necessitates that PATTERN RECOGNITIONS be amped up.  AT Some point in the cycle, a Plethora of Possibilities is a PLUS.  ARE MATHEMATICAL LAWS PULLED LITERALLY OUT OF THE ASS OF THE UNIVERSE?  A BRAGILLION FUNGI AGREE.  The Agent Was Disguised AS Art School Trash-  not!
benjamin harubin 2015
water acrylic and china marker on canvas
3' x 4'

the name of this post is the name of this painting.   it's a painting of the name of itself.  the subject of this painting is identical with the title of this painting.  it's a painting of the words of the title of this painting.  it contains its own exegesis. feel free to rotate (if your mind is prehensile).  

my beret is tipped to Blake.

1 comment:

MAJOR said...

Well pondering if perchance that the man considering the potential of art as a meaningful depiction of transient thoughts may possibly have himself evolved from the boys genesis during his original location and compassion for friends. If such would be a truth, then be it known to said "Artiest", that I, Major, wish an audience to be granted....