art by benjamin harubin. text and art copyright benjamin harubin. posted in no particular order, from 1976 to the present. i have the capability to print the strictly digital works up to 40" with archival materials. some restrictions may apply.
contact email is bharubin provided by gmail with a com thrown in there for good measure. and a @, too.

click on pics to giganticize. dimensions are listed in order: horizontal, vertical, depth.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

A 21st Century Organic Artifacts Extraction Item Nos 6 - 23


A 21st Century Organic Artifacts Extraction Item Nos 6 - 23
benjamin harubin 2021
21" x 25" x 10"
objets trouvés, paint, plaster & paper

A 21st Century Organic Artifacts Extraction Item Nos 6 - 23


that Simulated Dream Sense (THE SENSE) Supersedes.

the goddess of small stuff (wrathful aspect)


the goddess of small stuff (wrathful aspect)
benjamin harubin 1996,2021
gallon paint can, paint, plastic, wood

the goddess of small stuff (wrathful aspect)
benjamin harubin 1996,2021
gallon paint can, paint, plastic, wood

the goddess of small stuff (wrathful aspect)
benjamin harubin 1996,2021
gallon paint can, paint, plastic, wood

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


balance is the art of continuously falling
a trip down future memory lane
(just believe in everything)
benjamin harubin 2020
17" x 16" x 11"
objets trouvés, acrylic paint, plaster & pencil 


Things that are just not so special anymore:

the earth, not the center of the solar system;

humans, cognitively, not the only animal to use tools and pass the mirror test;

humans, genetically, share 90% of our genes with a cat.

So, also, there's not a whole lot of difference between dreaming, fantasy, and rational thought.

You can construct your own island of insanity in a sea of junk science!

This is the dream we all dream of (oh, please!  oh, the jelly matrix!) 

(i spent most of 2020 working on just 5 pieces, most of which were started years ago, and this one is the first one of those that I'm posting.  more to come; i'm wrapping this all up before moving to a new special mode of working.)