art by benjamin harubin. text and art copyright benjamin harubin. posted in no particular order, from 1976 to the present. i have the capability to print the strictly digital works up to 40" with archival materials. some restrictions may apply.
contact email is bharubin provided by gmail with a com thrown in there for good measure. and a @, too.

click on pics to giganticize. dimensions are listed in order: horizontal, vertical, depth.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Gas Giants

"Gas Giants"
digital collage  11" x 8"  2012
folks who have got their immediate material needs covered-
who have leisure time-
can spend that time in idle entertainments-
can rest and dream.
Dream and sort patterns and make fit with disparate elements- the night brain knows no bounds of stupidity- all is fair game.
And what is remembered is what is remembered again and again.
Alignments with waking input re- members the member of the set of things seen.
With enough members the neural pathway persists and becomes belief.
A strong experience (also called a vision) can create a lasting trace in a short time, while weaker reinforcements repeated over time also make their marks.
From the teeny ephemeral notion motions of mundane experience to the coronal mass ejections of ecstatic vision is the common fluid geometry of dreaming mind.

Sometime when the autoscanner is robofucking you, remember the tune to "bicycle built for two" and smile mischievously.  

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