art by benjamin harubin. text and art copyright benjamin harubin. posted in no particular order, from 1976 to the present. i have the capability to print the strictly digital works up to 40" with archival materials. some restrictions may apply.
contact email is bharubin provided by gmail with a com thrown in there for good measure. and a @, too.

click on pics to giganticize. dimensions are listed in order: horizontal, vertical, depth.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

science, art

"red dog activates neuralizer on a green cloud"
acrylic on carpet on wood  12" x 12 1/4"  2012

science relies upon communication.
communication is the essence of science.
-the process of verification- an essential part of science- relies upon the communication of data with minimal error.
-it relies upon the reproducibility of communication.
the experimental method must be exactly communicable so that results can be reproduced many times by different people.
-only then can it be said that the theory "holds water".

this methodology goes hand in hand (down history's lanes) with the related field of technology and manufacturing.
tech of all kinds not only relies upon communication, but produces, in the consumers, ever greater ties with an information/transportation network.
we are building a robust system composed of individual units (human beings) that have many and redundant and increasing forms of communication between them.
-to build a greater consensus-
-this all forms an increasingly complex intercellular matrix between people.
-this in turn forms the part of the body of a larger organism.
indeed all of our environment- all life and everything on earth- is becoming increasingly connected in a single web.

a "goal" of these processes is to strengthen survival advantage.  to discover patterns in nature (science) and to exploit those patterns using technology.

Science, Religion and Art are all on the same spectrum of the dreaming mind.
the discoveries of Science are revelations in the Religion of the Real.
Art is a Gnosis.
Religion and Art will continue to incorporate Science and Technology in its growth.

increasingly, dreams, religion, art, politics and the creative processes of society in general are becoming the subject of scientific study using the expanding toolset of evolutionary biology.
eventually, the subjective (experience) will meet the objective (consensus) through the action of artist/magicians from one end and cognitive neuroscientists and evolutionary psychologists from the other end.

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