art by benjamin harubin. text and art copyright benjamin harubin. posted in no particular order, from 1976 to the present. i have the capability to print the strictly digital works up to 40" with archival materials. some restrictions may apply.
contact email is bharubin provided by gmail with a com thrown in there for good measure. and a @, too.

click on pics to giganticize. dimensions are listed in order: horizontal, vertical, depth.

Friday, August 28, 2015


GREEN SPACE #1: Transmission of an Unknown Mutagenic Parasite

Green Space #1:  Transmission of an Unknown Mutagenic Parasite
benjamin harubin 2014
16" x 14" x 6"
wood, found objects, acrylic and enamel paint

Green Space #1
rear view

Green Space #1

Palaces of Woo

Places of Mystery embedded in the Ordinary Environment

Secret Spaces that Children Find 

what is woo?
...but the currently misunderstood?

the rigid structures, the rational products of the mind are subject to decay, mutation, hybridization, accretion and incorporation into networks.  

so buildings become transformed: usage changes; they are salvaged, abandoned, graffitied and overgrown with the unintentional.  

the technological/rational mind's products are subject to the invasion of woo.  

technology has unintended consequences, and science succumbs to memes and myths that far outlive their usefulness.

political structures become cumbersome and sometimes shift convulsively. 

shadows on the wall and voices in the air conditioner in a darkened bedroom speak to an "unbalanced" mind of alternate life paths in the late late.  

shadows on the wall: 
the theoretical shadows on the walls of evidence,
cast by the fire that cannot be seen,
the fire behind the eye,
the woo in the woodwork,
the snake that never can quite consume itself,
that yet beckons us to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

GREEN SPACE #2: Exoplanetary
shadows on the wall:
the theoretical shadows on the walls of evidence,
cast by the fire that cannot be seen,
the fire behind the eye,
the woo in the woodwork,
the snake that never can quite consume itself,
that yet beckons us to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Green Space #2: Exoplanetary
benjamin harubin 2014
15" x 8.5" x 3"
wood, found objects, acrylic and enamel paint

Green Space #2

Green Space #2


the truth is out there.
what do the experts say?

"We're looking for life markers in the chemical imbalances of small planets around other stars—that's very difficult. It worries me, and I pace up and down a lot and bite my nails!" 

why are the extraterrestrials sinful? Is sin built into the very fabric of the space and time of the universe? Or can life exist in parts of the universe without being in a state of sin and therefore without the need of redemption and thus without the need for Christianity?

the dreaming mind (which includes the scientific, the emotional, the creative and the speaking mind) is seeking the answer to existence out there in the patterns of the universe.  
-out there in space; down there in the cells.

if the origin of life were indeed exoplanetary, viral comet dust and space-faring tardigrade seeds traveling the galactic voids (panspermia), how could we determine the origin?

if i was a galactic super intelligence, i'd use a highly compressed, environmentally responsive, unfolding set of algorithms, to contact my client species.  
sort of like this panspermia idea.  

so, dr. drake, dr. fermi, where are they?

maybe we're inside of it, and it's inside of us.

(where we're going we don't need roads...
...or enormous radio dishes).

we're transmitting on Exoplanetary Radio!

if those exoplanetary beings were speaking to us already through our current frame, 
how would we even recognize them?  

perhaps we should look in the stains on the wall and the faces in the clouds and the thoughts in our heads, 
or maybe get a job, and look through a telescope.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

the Nanocrobes

Assemblage:  (Wikipedia) The origin of the artform dates to the cubist constructions of Pablo Picasso c. 1912-1914.  The origin of the word (in its artistic sense) can be traced back to the early 1950s, when Jean Dubuffet created a series of collages of butterfly wings, which he titled assemblages d'empreintes. However, both Marcel Duchamp, Pablo Picasso and others had been working with found objects for many years prior to Dubuffet. Russian artist Vladimir Tatlin created his "counter-reliefs" in the mid 1910s.

Nanocrobe: a series of small playful assemblages, begun in 1964, continuing into the present.  an analog of dreaming; daydreaming; pattern recognition; mistakes of navigational wetware; the spontaneous generation of active imps; miner assistants in the infowars, digging in the soiled imaginatorium.

photos by Joe Paban

"Snap your Finger"
benjamin harubin 2015
4" x 15" x 3"
(objects found in Snapfinger Creek)