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"Liberty Future" (detail) |
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which insures maximum chance of survival for longest possible period?
or is it necessary for there to be two groups (the unhappy and the happy) in a given population for the most robust culture to emerge?
where would you rather live? and you with all your goodies, are you free from fear?
in the future the game may be quite different.
there may be hope that mankind can grow up!
basically, it's this: we're at a technological/economic transition point- essentially we have solved the problem of survival and growth of the human species- technologically it could be done- everyone could be fed and and doctored to lead exciting happy and fulfilling lives (at the present world population level and beyond).
Warlord mentality however insists that the time-honored practice of theft and enslavement is still working (for them). Wars, though, are becoming less profitable- in the sense that invasion and occupation of territory provides booty- (although it still is profitable as entertainment and an opportunity to sell weaponry (but your consumers can only consume so much, and then you have to consume the consumers (hey, hey, U.S.A.))). So what do you do to keep swimming in your pile of imaginary guilders (insert supercut of Scrooge McDuck diving in gold coins here)? SPACE!! SPACE WARS!! Maybe we need some Aliens to menace us.
the more recently trending yet ancient alternate trend of positive sum games, i.e., free commerce and innovation (see Steven Pinker- Better Angels of Our Nature) coupled with robust infrastructure and education and basic humanist principles maybe can does balance the self-destructive insanity of paranoid Greed?
Perhaps the Galactic Watchers residing at the center of the Milky Way will send us some local thuggish dupe aliens to harrow us just enough to push us to the next frontier and get over this petty bickering and imaginary scarcity. (I'm convinced that the only reason we haven't discovered extraterrestrial intelligences yet is because THEY don't want us to. Probably waiting till we're REALLY fat and juicy before they consume us.
Reticular Activating System vs Limbic System
anticipation vs apprehension
initiate vs insulate
reinforcing vs reactive
since positive reinforcement can address both drive and incentive it can modulate the balance between RAS and LS (which cannot be activated at the same time)that, over time, is required to keep the organism moving and growing. don't know about groups but an individual cannot dump the old protective LS in favor of the RAS or even follow both directives at the same time.
I like this one a lot!!! Like the thoughts that you write with them that express your art. Nice touch!-Christy
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